Like Quiet Ghosts

The Air Forces Memorial at Runnymede

I love the way this memorial is drenched in light whenever I visit; I love the stone and the windows and the curves and the geometry of the place; l love the views over Runnymede all the way to London.  

I often stop to read some of the notes and tributes left here too.  They are fragments of family histories from all over the world:  letters to brothers and sisters, daughters and sons lost over seven decades ago; to lovers, husbands, fathers whose planes went down in the night; letters from great grandchildren who never knew their relatives; pale facsimiles of dreaded telegrams; fresh flowers, fake flowers, and expressions of gratitude.  An unsettling mixture of grief and peace.

This is a snapshot of my work in progress. For more information about the memorial itself, you can visit the CWCG website

January 2021 update: I’ve been so touched by all the people who’ve written, from all over the world, to say these pictures have moved them. In particular, my thoughts are with those who’ve always wanted to visit, but whose circumstances have always prevented it. It’s been my pleasure to visit on their behalf, to find their relative’s name inscribed on its panel, and to photograph it for them with a bunch of rosemary, for remembrance, from my garden.

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2 responses to “Like Quiet Ghosts”

  1. […] Kate Carpenter, Through the Arched Window, January 2020, from the series “Like Quiet Ghosts“ […]

  2. […] Exploration of ideas of reminiscence and collective memory/memorials (See Like Quiet Ghosts) […]

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